Project Managers are Number 1 When it Comes to the Importance of App Development

When thinking about the app development process most people picture designers and developers tapping away at their computers, writing complicated code and creating beautiful layouts. While this is a somewhat accurate depiction of the process, there is one crucial role missing from the picture – the project manager.

Project managers are the unsung heroes of the app development process. These are the individuals who dedicate their days to planning, organizing, and directing the completion of your app, all the while ensuring that the project is delivered on time, on budget, and within scope.

At MoMo, we know the value of a great project manager, and over the past decade we’ve worked hard to develop a project management toolkit that keeps projects of all kinds on the road to success. Below you will find three of our favorite project management tools that help us deliver incredible apps to our clients time after time. A human project manager is our personal favorite, but sometimes the best project manager for smaller projects is a simple online tool. 

TrelloTrello Project Manager

Trello is a web-based Kanban-style project management application which makes it easy to visually organize projects with its card-based system. Cards can be moved between different stages of development as progress is made, which makes it easy to track the status of a project at a glance. Trello also offers a variety of features that make collaboration among team members simple and efficient, such as commenting on cards, attaching files, and assigning tasks to specific individuals. Project manager doesn’t always needs to be such a complicated role you know. 

JIRAJira Project Manager

JIRA is a popular choice for managing agile software development projects. It offers features like reporting, templates, process management, auditing, and more that make sure no detail is overlooked. JIRA also integrates with a wide variety of development tools like Bitbucket Server, HipChat, Confluence, and Bamboo; making it easy for teams to get started quickly without having to worry about compatibility issues.

GitHub ProjectsGitHub Project Manager

GitHub Projects is perfect for managing simple Kanban boards right alongside your code repositories. You can create unlimited projects with secure collaboration features like issue tracking and file attachments; making GitHub Projects an excellent tool for small teams or individual developers who want an all-in-one solution for managing their codebase and their projects.


As you can see, project managers play a vital role in the app development process. Without them, projects would likely fall behind schedule, go over budget, or fail to meet objectives altogether. If you’re thinking about starting an app development project, be sure to find a company that puts emphasis on quality project management – it will make all the difference in the success of your app!




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In the meantime, here’s what to expect:

Step 1: Consultation

We’ll reach out within 24 hours to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

Step 2: Proposal

After our chat, we’ll prepare a custom proposal tailored to your goals.

Step 3: KickOff

Together, we’ll kick off your project and bring your app to life!